Guests are invited to attend two meetings before becoming members. Dues are $15 per year. The year begins on January 1. Workshops and field-trips for non-members are $5.
Family History Library List of Free Websites for Research - March 5, Field Trip to Sahuarita's Family History Library
Genetic Genealogy Presentation - Feb 5, Susan Lafo gave a presentation on Genetic Genealogy about what DNA is, why it is valuable in genealogy research, what types of DNA are tested, which companies are the best, and Genetic Genealogy problems.
Researching Military Ancestors - April 3. A panel of highly experienced Club members discuss available Military Resources. How to best find, access, and efficiently use them in your research. We encouraged questions and attendees contributing their own experiences. The link to the video did not work.
Six Practical Reasons for Writing Your Own Obituary and Useful Advice About Self-penned Obituaries - August 7, Bobbi Gordan gave a Roundtable, “Remembering Me Through My Eyes,” which explored the important six practical reasons why many seniors decide to write their own obituary. Who better to tell one's story than the person who lived it. Certainly not a friend, a grieving relative, or a staff reporter, who never walked in the loved one’s shoes.
Working With and Restoring Old Photos - Jan 23, A superbly informative presentation for the QCGC by Jim Burkstrand. His intriguing topic is of very special relevance to genealogy.
How I Used my DNA Results to Expand my Research - Feb 1, Pam Williams' Instructive and Entertaining Ancestry Tracing Slide Show
Life Changing DNA Results - March 1, QCGC board member, Mark Hester publicly shares for the first time his surprising journey thru his DNA testing & research with unexpected and life-changing results. A highly informative and moving presentation with more than a few entertaining, lighter moments in exchanges with the audience and during the discussion itself.
Working Thru Brick Walls - April 5, A panel of four QC experts - Anita Fisk, Mark Hester, Ken Abel and John Gelber - who have years of academic-level research experience, discuss systematically "Working Through Brick Walls" encountered during genealogy research.
Links to Resources/Tools - Feb, Additional highly useful links supplied to us by Lily Bass, a very skilled young Genealogy researcher who loves the subject.
Order Out of Chaos - March 30, Debra Karibinier, a guest speaker, gave a beautifully structured, easy flowing step-by-step guide to building professional quality research files and folders that optimize your research results before, during, and after your current and future projects are gratifyingly completed.
Start/Restart Your Research - April 8, July Fry and Rosemary Tuck, the club's first workshop, a powerpoint presentation.
Deoxyribonucleic Acid - Gateway to the Past - April 27, Gil Lusk
Members' Ancestral Veteran Presentation - May 25, emotionally-moving slide presentations, photos, and narratives, QCGC members vividly convey details about veterans in their ancestral lineage who served in US armed services.
Family Research Center Presentation - Sept 28, Alyson Smith, Our Guest Speaker, Director of the Sahuarita Family History Center, presents VERY valuable information about optimally using the Center's facilities.
Passing Your Photos Onto Your Heirs - Oct 12, Vice President of QC’s superb Photography Club, Jim Burkstrand, hosted the discussion at his clubs meeting. The presentation evolved from his new personal project of writing and publishing a “Family Book”