
Membership Form

Guests are invited to attend two meetings before becoming members. Dues are $15 per year.  The year begins on January 1.  Workshops and field-trips for non-members are $5.

Club Social Apps

The club has two social apps: GroupSpot and Facebook.

GroupSpot allows us to schedule events, RSVP, and sign up for events the club is holding. It is managed by Bobbi Gordon. You can email her at: and ask for an invite to join. (Because of security on this site, I've had to replace the @ with a -. You'll need to replace the - with an @). This is the best way to insure that you do not miss an event or an RSVP. It also a great way to check when you've forgotten information about an event.

Facebook is a way for us to keep in communication as a group; posting information about references/resources, ask genealogy questions, etc.  Since the group is private, you will have to request to be a member. At FB search for: Quail Creek Genealogy Club. At the site, click the button requesting to be a member.